Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic

Bridal Boudoir Photography Editorial: “White Bride / Black Boudoir”

The trust my clients extend always amazes me. They trust me with their wedding, their friends, and their family. They trust me to represent them well. On occasion, brides will trust me with so much more. I’m asked to capture bridal boudoir photography on the morning of the wedding. The reasons to do this are numerous. The photos become a loving extension of the wedding day. They are a heartfelt (or heart-bare) gift for their partner. More so, the photos are a gift to the bride. The photos are also deeply private as well, which is a trust I hold inviolable.

As a photographer, that inviolable trust presents a quandary. I would love to show future clients what is possible and to demonstrate some of my work, but client work is private. To solve this problem, I got together with my friend Hillary to capture the editorial bridal boudoir session you see below. The whole experience was a joy. I’m simply in love with the outcome.

Phase One: White Bride

We decided to use a hotel downtown as wedding day bridal preparation often takes place in hotels. Hillary thoughtfully brought a huge wardrobe. The wardrobe selection led me to the theme for the editorial: White Bride/Black Boudoir. I think you can pick out the theme in the photos below. It’s simply a play on innocence vs. daring. We start with the “White Bride” phase.

Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic

Phase Two: Black Boudoir

Washed away is the light, bridal phase. In its place is the dark phase. The dark phase is more direct, and more daring. A slight wardrobe change drives home the theme. Gone is the bridal veil. Darker, and more revealing wardrobe replace it.

Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic
Bridal boudoir photography editorial captured on film featuring the theme white bride/black boudoir by Columbus wedding photographer Hunter Photographic

I offer my clients an array of options for their wedding day, and I’m thrilled to finally show this small component. I owe a big thanks to Hillary for the amazing assistance. More so, thank you to the wonderful ladies at Something White Bridal Boutique for loaning us the stunning veil and hair piece. Something White Bridal has become my favorite bridal boutique for one simple reason – Rebecca & Karin treat their clients with such care and attention.

If you are interested in booking a wedding, with or without bridal boudoir photography, then let’s conenct. Be sure to explored the extended highlights gallery below.

Additional Bridal Boudoir Photos