Tricia and Todd's engagement session filled with golden autumn colors

Tricia & Todd – Engagement Session at the Height of Autumn

Tricia and Todd picked the perfect day for their engagement session. It was sunny and unseasonably warm for the end of October. Their session was filled with brilliant sunlight and strong golden colors. It was nice to see them together at last. Through much of their relationship, Todd was stationed overseas and then spent time as a security contractor. Instead of going into detail about their session in Cleveland, I’ll let the six photos below sum everything up.

Tricia and Todd's engagement session filled with golden autumn colors

Tricia and Todd's engagement session filled with golden autumn colors

Tricia and Todd's engagement session filled with golden autumn colors

The photo above of Todd alone is one of my all-time favorites from this year. The golden colors framing him in are just perfect. As always, we have much more coming soon, especially since I am on a blogging kick lately. Definitely check back for more, or add us to your favorite RSS reader.