Katie & Matt – Summer Wedding in the Valley
Highlights from Katie & Matt’s amazing Brecksville wedding at St. Basil’s Church and the Embassy Suites, with special photos from the valley. Step inside to see all the best from their perfect wedding.
Highlights from Katie & Matt’s amazing Brecksville wedding at St. Basil’s Church and the Embassy Suites, with special photos from the valley. Step inside to see all the best from their perfect wedding.
Meghan and I were early, as usual. Sarah and the ladies we running a little late. We chatted with Sarah’s father as we passed the time. He had just finished fielding a call from work, which I found surprising. I wasn’t concerned at all for the wedding schedule. By this point, I really knew Sarah and Mike well. I even knew the better part of their wedding party. All would work out just fine for their wedding. Step inside to see how this winter wonderland wedding unfolded just perfectly.
It almost seems like ages ago when Dylan, Makiko and I first met. They were just beginning to plan their autumn wedding at Holden Arboretum’s Lantern Court. Truthfully, they had me sold at autumn wedding in Holden Arboretum. It just got better as I learned more about them. Clearly they’re in love. What’s different is the distance at which their love must remain active. Step inside to see a truly special wedding from a truly special couple (P.S. – long distance does work).
I’m fresh back from a whirlwind workshop in southern California with some great news to share. First, the photography workshop I attended was absolutely amazing, but more on that later. My most exciting news today is that again I have been featured by PhotoShelter, a photographer services company. As always, I am thrilled with the opportunity to share my work with other photographers. This time, PhotoShelter’s guide is specific to wedding photographers.
I’m never late, but I have never been this early before. Through some oversight on my behalf, I arrived at Lyndhurst Community Presbyterian church for Erika and Scott’s wedding a full hour early. I guess early is better than on time, and certainly better than late. Soon enough Erika and Scott arrived. I was really looking forward to their wedding, because it would start with a rather unique event. Step inside to see what makes Erika and Scott’s wedding unique and for other highlights.