Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

Stephanie & Ben – Music Lovers Engagement

I think it was very clear to Stephanie what she wanted to do for her engagement session. While Stephanie and Ben got engaged at the Cleveland Zoo, she wanted to incorporate something much more important for their engagement session. I was not surprised either. From the get-go, we shared a mutual love for music. Whenever we chat, we end up exchanging our current music notes. Stephanie and Ben introduced me to The Dawes and Head and the Heart. I made sure they knew about Iron & Wine.

Stephanie and Ben wanted to include the idea of live music in their engagement session. They love going to concerts and listening to music together at home. So, we planned to hit the Collinswood Arts district for a visit to the Beachland Ballroom and Music Saves. I would have loved to inside the Beachland, but their was some crazy children’s show going on. I was just happy to visit some great new locations. While it was mid-November, we did also want to include the fall colors where possible. Thankfully, our weird weather this year kept the leaves around a little longer. We headed to one of my favorite places, Cleveland’s cultural gardens where we found a yellow ginkgo sea.

A few of my fun favorites are below. The photos might look a little familiar – one is currently featured on my home page. Enjoy!

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

The Collinswood Arts district is such a great place to visit. It’s so colorful and has lot’s of indie music options.

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

You can only see a small part of the mural above. You’ll have to trust me – it’s crazy! As for Stephanie and Ben, it’s so nice when they laugh together, or at me!

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

The winds may have striped the leaves from the trees, but the color was all around. The yellow ginkgo leaves seemed to carpet everything.

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

Stephanie and Ben - music lovers engagement session in Cleveland

I still cannot remember what I said or did to elicit the reaction in the last photo, but I love it. Maybe Stephanie will remind me one day. That’s all for today. I have been on a tear lately with new content on our website, so make sure to check back often. Also, give us a “like” on Facebook where you can find our most current work.