Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic featured in The Knot Magazine

Published – The Knot Magazine – Jamie & Ethan

Right about now is a good time to imagine me dancing around my office doing The Robot. It’s actually happened three times. First, when I found out I would be published in Professional Photographer Magazine. The second time was when I got a call from asking for photos to feature in The Knot Magazine. And most recently was just about five minutes ago when I got a email from The Knot with images of the final feature. Step inside to have a gander at our latest magazine feature.

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Jamie & Ethan – Cleveland wedding

Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go your way? I had one not too long ago. A couple was recommended to me by a fellow photographer. So that’s good. Then the couple hired me to photograph their wedding in Cleveland. OK, getting better. Then they gave me complete creative freedom! I nearly had a creative orgasm on the spot. Read on to learn about their wedding and what I did to make it special.