Molly and Zac's wedding in Solon, Ohio

Molly & Zac – Wedding of Love, Family and Seersucker

A little over five years ago, my wife and I wed and we have been blessed ever since. In large part, we owe a debt of gratitude to our dear friends Patsy and Paul, who are responsible for introducing Brooke and I. When Patsy’s little sister, Molly, called to inquire about wedding services, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to offer my gratitude to her family for the blessings they had helped bestow on my little family. In the end, working with Molly and Zac was more rewarding than I could have imagined. Step inside to see a wedding filled with love and family.

Katie and Mischa's victorian-inspired wedding in Chautauqua, New York

Katie & Mischa – Victorian Wedding in Chautauqua, New York

“That’s where you are getting married” I said with a slack jaw, while staring in awe at the Hall of Philosophy. Katie was giving me a tour of the Chautauqua Institution, a gated lakeside community famous for it’s summer programming and dedication to education. I arrived early on Friday to take a little tour and do some location scouting. Katie has many fond memories of spending her summers at Chautauqua, so she decided to host the wedding there. A fun and memorable wedding is personal, so step inside to see how Katie and Mischa built an amazing weekend from personal experience.

Katie and Jerry wedding in Fairfield, Ohio

Katie & Jerry – Horses and Horsepower Wedding in Fairfield

On a sunny day out in the open ocean, you can look down and see the particular shade of deep blue that seems to go on forever. That entrancing blue is my favorite color. It is also one my favorite things about Katie – her eyes have the same endless blue. What I love about Jerry is his stoic nature, oh and our shared passion for auto racing. Apparently, Jerry really knows how to wrestle a fast car around a small parking lot. But most importantly, I love that Katie and Jerry gave me trust and allowed me to influence their wedding plans. Step inside to see how a little trust and a lot of planning went a very long way.

Katie and Jerry First Look at Walnut Creek Stables

Katie and Jerry – First Look

This post is the first is a two-part series for Katie and Jerry’s wedding in Fairfield, Ohio. Today we are featuring the first look photos. Later will come a post detailing their entire wedding.

Simply put, Katie and Jerry are like family. They were referred to me by close friends and former clients. We share much in common and hit it off right from the start. They had requested to do a First Look before the wedding ceremony, which is one of my favorite things. To make it special, I spent a couple weeks building the perfect plan. I don’t live near Fairfield, so I had to do all the planning over the internet. Step inside to see how we pieced the First Look plan together from a far and got the perfect results.

Holly and Brian - Holden Arboretum wedding in Kirtland

Holly & Brian – Kirtland Wedding at Holden Arboretum

“Over there, under the willow tree” said Holly, as we were standing in the rain. With that simple instruction, I could see her vision with crystal clarity. We were location scouting at Holden Arboretum for Holly and Brian’s wedding in Kirtland. There are a million great locations to choose from at Holden, but it had to be this particular willow tree. Step inside to see why the willow tree was the perfect location.