Stephanie and Ryan's downtown Cleveland wedding at Greenhouse Tavern

Stephanie & Ryan – Greenhouse Tavern Wedding in downtown Cleveland

A recipe for a truly special wedding is easy – 1 loving couple, six parts great family, a healthy quantity of close friends, a couple parts good design and a dash of good weather. For Stephanie and Ryan, this recipe was easy, almost ad-hoc. Their rooftop wedding at the Greenhouse Tavern in downtown Cleveland could not have been more special. Simply put, I was just honored to be present. Step inside to see this truly special wedding. It is definitely something to behold.

Jodie & James' Rocky River wedding at Westwood Country Club

Jodie & James – Rocky River Wedding at Westwood Country Club

Jodie, James and I sat down in a comfortable living room to discuss their wedding. The meeting was just a couple blocks from my house and I could have walked over. Jodie’s parents were practically my neighbors. Even their house number was only slightly different than my own. Strangely, it felt as though I was meeting with neighbors. I say strangely because Jodie and James live so far away. They were in town visiting from Boston, where they live. James is actually from much, much further away. By the end of the meeting, we had their wedding all planned out, I had met some new neighbors, and could not wait for April to roll around. Step inside to see a neighbor and friends wedding.

Stephanie and Ben's Rocky River wedding, Cinco de Mayo, The Derby and Super Moons

Stephanie & Ben – Wedding in Rocky River, Cinco de Mayo, the Derby, and Super Moons

I was so excited that I ended up being early. By 10:30 in the morning, I was pacing around my office waiting to go. I just wanted to start, damn it! By 11:20 I just couldn’t take it anymore. I jumped into the car and drove over to Stephanie and Ben’s house. A rapped the door knocker, but no one was home. I went to the car, threw my stuff in the back and gave Stephanie a ring. Thankfully, she was just around the corner and almost home. The biggest reason I was so excited is because Stephanie and Ben are amazing, but their wedding was also a strange culmination of events. Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo, the Kentucky Derby, a super-moon and their wedding all wrapped into one. Read on inside for more about this perfect day and some preview photos.

Molly and Dave - a Cleveland Valentines wedding

Molly & Dave – A Wedding for Valentines

Molly, Dave and I met in the beautiful lobby of the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Cleveland quite some time ago. We talked about their upcoming wedding, how they met, and what they were looking forward to in the future. It was the perfect setting since their wedding was planned for the same place. We also got along famously from the beginning. They’re quite possibly one of the nicest couples I have met, and desperately in love. Step inside to see this amazing wedding held just in time for Valentine’s day.

Alli and Dan's stylish autumn wedding in downtown Cleveland

Alli & Dan – a stylish autumn wedding in downtown Cleveland

Let’s start with – Alli and Dan’s wedding was truly amazing! It was a great way to end a busy wedding season. For a few reasons, we were so excited to be a small part of their wedding day. They are such a great couple. Also, the location was simply stunning. This wedding happened to be my first Jewish wedding. Last but not least, the ceremony and reception were full of energy and love. The energy permeated everything. I usually have fun at weddings, but Alli and Dan’s wedding at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Cleveland was truly a blast! Step inside to see this amazing wedding a learn a little about our excitement.