Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic featured in a PhotoShelter guide

PUBLISHED – The Wedding Photographer’s Tour of PhotoShelter

I’m fresh back from a whirlwind workshop in southern California with some great news to share. First, the photography workshop I attended was absolutely amazing, but more on that later. My most exciting news today is that again I have been featured by PhotoShelter, a photographer services company. As always, I am thrilled with the opportunity to share my work with other photographers. This time, PhotoShelter’s guide is specific to wedding photographers.

How to Grow a Wedding Photography Business featuring Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic

Guide to Growing a Wedding Photography Business

I have some recommended reading for you. Don’t worry, this one is easy and short. If you are a wedding photographer, or considering becoming one, definitely check out the latest guide from PhotoShelter – How to Grow a Wedding Photography Business. This PDF guide features a lot of great content covering everything from marketing to client care. It also features input from top industry professionals including Ryan Brenizer, Brian Dorsey and your’s truly. You can get your free copy here. Step inside to learn more, including tips not including new tips not included in the guide.

Published – The Knot Magazine – Holly & Brian

Published – The Knot Magazine – Holly & Brian

It’s really rough spending Christmas in Florida with family. Of course, I’m saying this with a pound of sarcasm. It was weird being in the warm Pensacola climate at Christmas time, but we survived just fine. The 15-hour drive home seemed to take forever, but I was greeted with some amazing news when we arrived. As I always do, I promptly fetched the mail from our mailbox. Stuffed inside was about 25 pounds of late holiday cards, Christmas catalogs, and other detritus. However, hiding among the treasured cards and other trash was a curious little package. In a Christmas habit, I gave the package a squeeze and a shake. Then it hit me! I tore into the package and was greeted by long awaited, but temporarily forgotten news. Step inside to see what has me doing the robot dance in my kitchen!

Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic featured in The Knot Magazine

Published – The Knot Magazine – Jamie & Ethan

Right about now is a good time to imagine me dancing around my office doing The Robot. It’s actually happened three times. First, when I found out I would be published in Professional Photographer Magazine. The second time was when I got a call from asking for photos to feature in The Knot Magazine. And most recently was just about five minutes ago when I got a email from The Knot with images of the final feature. Step inside to have a gander at our latest magazine feature.

Cleveland wedding photography Hunter Harrison featured in Profesional Photography Magazine

Hey, that’s me in Pro Photographer Magazine!

The package waiting for me at home could have been a surprise, but PhotoShelter kept me informed throughout the process. In the end, I was expecting the two glossy copies of Professional Photographer Magazine nestled inside the padded package. Nonetheless, I am thrilled to be published in this month’s issue. Make the jump to learn more about the article and how I market my Cleveland wedding photography business.