A Bird, Boat, Bike, and Bridge
I often find myself location scouting for weddings on odd days here and there. Add to this that I am easily distracted (look, something shiny!), and I typically come home with a grab bag of images. Lately, that grab bag has been filled with scenery shots, because well, I must practice my scenery and details shooting. Portraits come much easier for me.
So, below are a collection of recent scenery shots from around Cleveland and Lakewood. Some of you may even recognize the locations. When I saw the alliteration between the images, I knew I had to post them.
Above is the Cleveland Jazz and Rib fest held each Memorial Day weekend.
I have always wanted to photograph Blackbird’s red door against the green summer ivy.
Most of you will probably recognize the Nautica Queen parked on the Cuyahoga River is downtown Cleveland. I just love how the film was able to handle the bright white while also opening the shadows. It really does amaze me sometimes. So, that’s a bird, a boat, a bike and a bridge. For those that get into the techie stuff, all of the above is Kodak Extra shot on a mix of Mamiya and Hasselblad.