Laura & John’s Epic Wedding – THE LEAK #3 – At First Look
After a short break, it’s time to continue THE LEAK from Laura and John’s most epic wedding. THE LEAK is a special series I am doing just for Laura and John because…well…they’re awesome. Need another reason? Also, the posts are short and fast and feature just one portion of their day. If you’ve missed prior leaks, you can see the rest right here. Up for today are just a few special photos from their first look.
Like many of my clients, Laura and John chose to do a first look before their wedding ceremony at St. Mark’s Coptic Church. The first look was simply organized at John’s sisters house.
So without delay, below are just a few favorites –
That last one is just for fun. Yes, that is really a fish face and I love John’s expression. They are such a fun couple. The type of crazy couple that everyone needs as friends. That’s all for today. Changes are good that their will be another LEAK tomorrow. Definitely check back soon!