Jessica & Bobby – An Evening Wedding at Manakiki Golf Club
I was standing at the door of Manakiki Golf Course in Willoughby Hills waiting for someone to answer the door. It was nearly a hundred degrees with humidity to match, I was wearing all black and the sun was beating down. In a mere 60 second, I had gone from comfortable to feeling like I was in a swamp. Gotta love summer weddings! Thankfully, Manakiki has really cool air conditioning. Even better, I was working with a really awesome couple. Even though Jessica and Bobby live out of town, we had gotten to know each other threw a few phone conversations and one afternoon meeting. What I hadn’t expected was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time.
I had arrived early to do some additional scouting. After some final checks, I still had plenty of time left before Jessica was due to arrive. I was pleasantly surprised to find the reception design already completed, so I set about photographing all the beautiful details. Jessica and Bobby have lived a very multi-cultural life. While they initially met in Brooklyn, they have also lived all over the world. So each table at the reception bore the name of a city in which they’ve lived, either together or apart – Las Vegas, Cleveland, Rio, Bagram and more. Each table was also smartly decorated with one of my favorite flowers – hydrangeas.
Before too long, the Jessica arrived with the bridesmaids, followed shortly by the Bobby and the groomsmen. That’s when the fun really began! It was immediately apparent that Jessica and Bobby’s friends were a really fun group. The whole day was fueled by energy and comedy from the wedding party. The bridesmaids were a walking comedy routine. Jessica’s brother could have been a stand-up comic. The balance of the wedding party kept the dance floor rocking all night long.
More importantly – Jessica and Bobby’s wedding ceremony was filled with family, love and laughter, as you can see below.
Above – getting the party started right. Below – some summer wedding details.
I think Jessica is saying “I only had this much champagne!”
I love the prideful look from Jessica’s mom above. Below, the ladies reviewing weddings past.
Jessica’s simply elegant wedding bouquet above. Below, a little giggle over a fart joke.
We braved the sunlight for just a moment despite the heat. TOTALLY.WORTH.IT! Below, the groomsmen and Bobby with his brother and best man.
There were even big laughs during the recessional. Below, comedic moment during family portraits.
The setting sun cast a peach-laced tone over the golf course for Jessica and Bobby’s bridal portraits. Truly, the light was magical.
The head table above. Below, little details showing the cities in which Jessica and Bobby have lived.
Bobby’s nephew danced the entire night. Below, the party starting to heat up.
I had to ask Jessica to explain the Smirnoff Ice tradition – if someone hands you a Smirnoff Ice, and you reach for it, you must drink it. Bobby took the bullet…er…ice.
The party was so much fun, that I pretty much worked right until the end. It was an early afternoon start and a late evening finish, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Big thanks to Sammy’s Manakiki for being such gracious hosts. I’m certainly looking forward to my next visit. Hopefully it’s a little cooler next time, but I know they have great a/c if it isn’t. Also, I want to thank Bob Javorsky for putting on a gorgeous ceremony once again. That’s all for today and check back for more great weddings soon.