Inniswood Garden Engagement Photos on a Warm Summer Evening
Summer Evening in the Garden
It should come as no surprise that, as a photographer, I sometimes just marvel at light. I feel like I can see it move, like how it echos through a colonade, or filters through a tree canopy. The feeling is brought more present on warm summer evenings near sunset. This is how it was for Aubrey & Dylan’s Inniswood Garden engagement photos. I was scouting the garden before they arrived, as I typlically do. Peachy-orange sunset light was blasting through the trees and across the garden flowers. Occasionally, a passing cloud would obscure the sun, turning the warm light cool. The heat of the day had waned, and dew was gathering for the fall.
The light contributed heavily to the photos below, but the light was not enough to carry the work. Aubrey & Dylan’s peaceful, yet fun personalities really won the day. They are absolutely lovely together. More lovely is their daughter, whom they brought to the session. While she was a little skeptical of the camera, it was still nice to have her along at Inniswood.

The Sunset Valley
When doing Inniswood Garden engagement photos, I love to visit a spot I call the “Sunset Valley.” It’s not really called that, but it is a valley and it is orientated towards the setting sun. The weather has to be warm, and the ground has to be dry, but it does make for some amazing photos. Laying down helps to break any tension too. I get to move far away and the couple gets to relax. We typically stay there for a while, soaking in the sun. I honestly miss those evenings sometimes.

A Little Glance
You can see their daughter (above), giving me that skeptical glance. It almost reads as an honest look. I’m so happy they brought her along. Speaking of glances, have a glance at the gallery below, which includes more from this Inniswood Garden engagement session. If you’re looking for your own engagement photos, then let’s connect.