Crafting Heirlooms

Crafting Heirlooms

My modest Cleveland home is filled with fine-art prints of all sorts. There are family photos, photos of friends, some clients and even some crazy prints. For example, a large print of two friends dressed for a wedding as Dumb and Dumber. Seriously, a wedding! We also have a few albums, all of which we treasure. When developing our recent branding redesign, we also reconsidered the fine-art prints and albums we offer. To match with the our clients expectations and the brand, we had to make improvements. Step inside to learn how we have applied an heirloom approach across all our products.

Moxie the doberman pinscher by Hunter Photographic

Moxie’s Got a Big Heart

I am sure everyone has seen a little bit on Moxie before – our “Sweet Pea” Doberman Pinscher. She has made appearances her on the site, on Facebook, Twitter, at parties and drooling out my car window. I have been photographing her a lot lately. Actually, a crazy amount. I could say it is because I am practicing with film, testing lighting or playing with a new camera. Truth be told, the reason I am taking so many photos is entirely different. Make the jump to learn a little about Moxie’s big heart, but be warned!

Branding materials for Hunter Photographic, a Cleveland wedding photographer

Photographer Branding and Mark Twain

I was doing things the same old way. When I started, I designed my own business card and found a cheap printer. $19.99 for 1000 business cards is a good deal right? Everything kinda looked professional, but there was a problem. The brand didn’t represent my clients or me.

Make the jump to learn about how we considered who we are and who we wanted for clients when re-developing the design and brand.

Tattoos and Honey Bees - Brooke at the Tattoo Salon

Tattoos & Honey Bees

After discussing it for eons, the time had finally come. Going on forever, my wife had been talking about a tattoo. We bounced around ideas and she never seemed to settle solidly on anything. Then came the honey bee idea just a few months ago. She knew immediately that is was the right concept. Now, just to find a good artist in Cleveland.

Ethan and Jamie's wedding at Cleveland's Glidden House

Jamie & Ethan – Cleveland wedding

Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go your way? I had one not too long ago. A couple was recommended to me by a fellow photographer. So that’s good. Then the couple hired me to photograph their wedding in Cleveland. OK, getting better. Then they gave me complete creative freedom! I nearly had a creative orgasm on the spot. Read on to learn about their wedding and what I did to make it special.