Columbus Athletic Club wedding by Hunter Photographic, a Columbus wedding photographer.

Alexis & Joe – A Columbus Athletic Club Wedding of Gold and Purple

I love photographing weddings in Columbus. They take me back to my home town; a place I know and love. It’s even better when I absolutely adore the clients, as it is with Alexis and Joe. They have been amazing from the start – friendly, excited, and so easy to work with. Their wedding at the Columbus Athletic Club could not have been better. I’d like to say the highlight was a golden wedding cake, but it was really Alexis and Joe. Step inside to see more from one of my favorite weddings.

Makiko & Dylan – A Holden Arboretum Autumn Wedding

Makiko & Dylan – A Holden Arboretum Autumn Wedding

It almost seems like ages ago when Dylan, Makiko and I first met. They were just beginning to plan their autumn wedding at Holden Arboretum’s Lantern Court. Truthfully, they had me sold at autumn wedding in Holden Arboretum. It just got better as I learned more about them. Clearly they’re in love. What’s different is the distance at which their love must remain active. Step inside to see a truly special wedding from a truly special couple (P.S. – long distance does work).

Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic featured in a PhotoShelter guide

PUBLISHED – The Wedding Photographer’s Tour of PhotoShelter

I’m fresh back from a whirlwind workshop in southern California with some great news to share. First, the photography workshop I attended was absolutely amazing, but more on that later. My most exciting news today is that again I have been featured by PhotoShelter, a photographer services company. As always, I am thrilled with the opportunity to share my work with other photographers. This time, PhotoShelter’s guide is specific to wedding photographers.

Meredith & Hunter – Chagrin Falls Winter Engagement Session

Meredith & Hunter – Chagrin Falls Winter Engagement Session

I’m currently around 36,000 feet above Nebraska while traveling to California. I’m headed west for a rather special business workshop, but more on that later. Just before leaving, I was able to deliver Meredith and Hunter’s engagement photos to them. I just couldn’t wait until after my trip. And today I can’t wait to share with you. Step inside to see highlights from their lovely winter-time engagement session.