How to build great relationships with wedding clients

With a Bang!

There is one component about being a wedding photographer that can be tough and very rewarding – constantly working with new people all the time. Not only must we work with brand new couples, but also new florists, cake artists, wedding planners and venues. On the one hand, starting a rewarding relationship can be tough. Conversely, new relationships that really blossom can last a lifetime and be very beneficial for your sole. With new clients, I like to help the process along. Inside are a couple strategies I use to ensure relationships start with a bang!

How to Grow a Wedding Photography Business featuring Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic

Guide to Growing a Wedding Photography Business

I have some recommended reading for you. Don’t worry, this one is easy and short. If you are a wedding photographer, or considering becoming one, definitely check out the latest guide from PhotoShelter – How to Grow a Wedding Photography Business. This PDF guide features a lot of great content covering everything from marketing to client care. It also features input from top industry professionals including Ryan Brenizer, Brian Dorsey and your’s truly. You can get your free copy here. Step inside to learn more, including tips not including new tips not included in the guide.

Cleveland wedding photography Hunter Harrison featured in Profesional Photography Magazine

Hey, that’s me in Pro Photographer Magazine!

The package waiting for me at home could have been a surprise, but PhotoShelter kept me informed throughout the process. In the end, I was expecting the two glossy copies of Professional Photographer Magazine nestled inside the padded package. Nonetheless, I am thrilled to be published in this month’s issue. Make the jump to learn more about the article and how I market my Cleveland wedding photography business.