Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

Laura & Joey – A Kent State University Engagement

I was early, but the rain was pouring down. Instead of scouting around Kent State, I decide to just get a cup of coffee and wait. In about an hour, my engagement session with Laura and Joey was due to start. I knew the rain would pass soon enough, but I hate waiting. I was excited to be back at KSU for another session and just wanted to get started. The sun began to poke through the rain, creating a rainbow over campus. Time to go.

When we were planning the session, Laura and Joey told me about how they met. Laura moved into a new house on campus with a bunch of friends. Joey did the same, and happened to be next door to Laura. In no time at all, Laura and Joey met for the first time. Now, this is where there is some debate. Laura says that she immediately called “dibs” on Joey to keep her friends away. She also said that he was a little oblivious at first to her intentions. Joey claims he was aware, but waiting for the right time. In any case, the right time eventually came.

And it eventually came in Florence, Italy of all places. Joey was studying in Florence for the semester, and Laura decided to visit. While in Florence, Laura and Joey had their first date. Imagine traveling all that way for a first date!

So of course a little rain wasn’t going to stop our engagement session. We met in front of the painted rock and off we went. Below are just a few of my favorites from this exciting evening, and thanks to Allie Herstich for the styling –

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

In the heart of campus – showing a little alma mater pride.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

I had scouted out a great location, but by the time we arrived, a van was parked in the way. While I was deciding what to do, Joey and Laura were left alone. I just happened to capture the candid moment above.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

We paid a visit to the houses where they first met. While just campus houses, they hold a special place for Laura and Joey.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

Matching Chucks – check!

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

After a quick outfit change, it was time for some individual portraits.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

Laura and Joey's Kent State Engagement session by Cleveland wedding photographer Hunter Photographic.

I love the last moment above. It feels like anticipation to me. That’s all for today. More will be coming very soon, so check back often. I can say the next item to be published is an out-of-this-world gorgeous wedding from downtown Cleveland. Foodies will definitely want to check this one out!