Julia & Evan – Autumn Engagement at Huntington Beach
The timing was perfect. Just a few weeks prior I had met Julia for the first time to book her wedding. Julia and Evan really wanted an autumn engagement session to feature the fall color. We moved quickly and got their engagement session at Huntington Beach in Rocky River ready to go. I don’t think any of us expected the session to turn out so perfect.
When we arrived, I met Evan for the first time. Then, we all looked around and breathed in how perfect the day was. The evening sun was shining. The air crisp, but unseasonably warm. Truthfully, you hardly needed a sweater. Except for the fall color, the engagement session could have been shot in the summer. Of course Julia and Evan were perfect together as well.
They’re both new to the city, having moved here for their careers. Like anyone entering a new city, meeting new friends can be exceptionally difficult. They had both joined online communities to help smooth the tough transition. They were both looking for friendship, and found each other. I’d think they would both agree that they got so much more. Love sprang forth and they are due to be married very soon. And I mean very soon. Their Hyatt Arcade wedding will be in early April. I can’t wait for their wedding. Julia and Evan are awesome, and I know the wedding will be a smashing good time.
Below are just a few of my favorite highlights to enjoy.
That last frame is one of my all-time favorites. The even color produced by using all-film for this engagement session is just perfect.